Tag Archives: surreal

700 Books



The whole thing was so surreal. A guy was asking for books to donate on my local neighborhood internet site, Nextdoor.com. So, I took this as incentive to finally cull 700 books from my thousands of books in my library, which I had dearly been wanting to do.

I carried all 700 books up 3 flights of stairs, and according to my FitBit I did 122 flights of stairs today, and 84 yesterday!  So it really was quite a feat!

He just left my house now at 10:00 pm, on the eve of the Full Moon. An Englishman from Islington, where I used to live in London, who turns out is a rockstar in Europe! He came with his manager, who he had just picked up from LAX, totally travel-worn from London, and they swung by and loaded up their car with books to the ceiling.

We got to talking about music and such, and he knew who my dad was through Peter Gabriel, so I gave him a Stick cd, and also MY book.

Life is so funny sometimes.