Classes & Events

NEXT  Full Moon Meditation 

Saturday, July 20 at 7:30 pm, pacific time – on ZOOM

FREE & live-streaming

Join us for this live, 30-minute Full Moon World Service Meditation. 

This is a FREE event. All are welcome – PASS IT ON. 

To join by Zoom email 

W  A  T  C  H     T  H  E     S  K  Y  . . .


MEDITATION Practices & Teachings

Sunday, August 4th at 7:30 pm – $25 

Learn age-old practices, and new ones too, from anywhere in the world with Diana.  This class will be recorded so you can participate live or anytime you like!      

Email to register and for more information.



Women’s Circle

To be announced Join us for an evening to discuss and discover feminine perspective on spiritual approach.

Email to register and for more information.

Beautiful art by Ellen Vaman



LEARN TO MEDITATE  with Diana Lang 

To be announced – 5 Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm

Email for moreinformation and to register.  

Come join in for 5 evenings of spiritual growth to open and deepen your spiritual practice. Through discussion and practice we will use various meditation exercises and other techniques to connect self and soul in a safe and sacred environment to discover the wonders of our extraordinary inner life. 


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I am published by Huffington Post and have over 40 articles posted there. Please Read, Like, Follow, Share, Tweet, Comment on the articles. Here is the link to my Huffington Post page:


A meditation to listen to now.

Follow this link to listen:

To hear many more of these live meditations, just download the free app –
and FOLLOW Diana Lang