Tag Archives: soul sound


Photo art by Anna Marinenko

How do you recognize the sound of the soul?
versus the ego’s voice
They are both in our head
So it can seem hard to tell the difference
But, it’s not hard to FEEL the difference
It’s not hard to feel the difference at all.

The soul’s impressions are loving
And only
They are peaceful
Even in the middle of a calamity
The souls advice is calm
And kind
And unafraid

While the ego’s advice is full of fear
And that is why it’s on fire all the time
With LOTS of advice
Conflicting advice
It will argue five sides – in the same breath

The soul’s advice is SINGULAR
And it is simple
s i m p l e
This is another way you can recognize it
Because it is the next step
And the next step is simple
It’s the one right in front of you
It’s not ten steps down the road
It’s the very next one
And so it is simple

While the ego is busy strategizing
What if this happens? What if that happens?
It is projecting
Into the future

The soul just says, “yes.”
And that is all.


To listen to this meditation in its entirety, and many more, go to:

© Diana Lang 2015